Domain Name Registration

To search for a name, enter the name such as and click on Search. Domain names must contain alpha-numeric characters and no characters such as the "&" or "<". Your name must be 26 characters or less with 16 being the preferred maximum
If your result comes up as no match the name may still be available... oh yeah, hurry!


Has or been taken ?



Just having a brilliantly designed page is not enough for the success of your Web-Site. To make your site successful, you have to make sure it is easily accessible and people can search it easily. You have to let other people know that you are out there!
To accomplish this, Web-Tech has a well designed promotion policy which is essential for every Web-Site.
Web-Tech can host a site for you, whether it has been designed by us, or if you already have your own web-site. Web-Tech will ensure that your site is registered with hundreds of search engines across the world and increase your hit rate by potentially thousands.
This service can be taken in conjunction with a web site we develop for you, OR, you may already have a web site, so we are able to simply host it for you! This is a New Service we offer and have therefore kept prices to a bare minimum!